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« Thursday June 24, 2010 »
Start: 24/06/2010 20:00
End: 24/06/2010 22:30

Challenge Page

Team IPX Availability (Yes/No) Thu 8:00 Comment Team
© Mattatuide yes yes iliketurtles Playing
Limpet Yes Yes don’t scare them off this time Playing
Microman™ Yes Yes Only for first hour. Have to leave at 9pmAEDT Playing
spudin8tor Yes Yes Will be on early for a change….apologies for friday Super Sub
Robag Sub Yes Yes Tonigh’s gaming brought 2 u by Corona
N0mad No No turtle made me sick! -
Bl00d Yes Yes oh god not the turtles again Playing
Kippa yep yep doorstopper kippa to the rescue ? -
Willow No No Catching turtles in Fiji! -
Sha8dow - - - -
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